WHY? actually we don't have any particularry reason to choose ear. but we choose it cause EAR sound catchy and can be misinterpreted as a human body part. so we choose it to make our group stand out and easy to remember. HA.HA.HA
its not a human body part to hear or anything but this are business terminology Effective Annual Rate a.k.a EAR which mean the interest rate expressed as if it were compounded once per year
Group Members Profile
Nickname : Jessica
Date of Birth : June 28th, 1995
Std. Id Number : 131220214
High School : SMA Negeri 1, Balikpapan
Email : katherinajessica@gmail.com
Name :Anthonius Adhyaksa Puntodewo
Nickname :Fidel
Date of Birth : September 5th, 1995
Std. Id Number : 131220504
High School : SMA Kolese Debritto
Email :anthoniusadhyaksa@gmail.com
Name :Gilbert Kusuma Prakoso
Nickname :Gilbert
Date of Birth : November 11th, 1995
Std. Id Number : 131220613
High School : SMA Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta
Email :Gilbert_calibur@yahoo.com
Name :Glanlay Gabriel Santoso
Nickname :Glan
Date of Birth :May 31th , 1995
Std. Id Number : 131220727
High School : SMA Kolese Debritto
Email :glanlaygs@gmail.com
Hello, We are from Group EAR!
This Group created in room 401 Economy Faculty Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University at 9th february 2015 exactly at the first session of our 4th semester to fulfill our Advanced Financial Management/ Mr. Alex Jatmiko's request.
Our group name is EAR! it is not ear from the human body part, but from business terminology which is the short term of Effective Annual Rate. The definition of EAR is the interest rate expressed as if it were compounded once per year.
The founding Fathers and mother of this group are :
Our group name is EAR! it is not ear from the human body part, but from business terminology which is the short term of Effective Annual Rate. The definition of EAR is the interest rate expressed as if it were compounded once per year.
The founding Fathers and mother of this group are :
- Katherina Jessica Clorinda
I'm from Balikpapan but actually I kinda always move all the time in my childhood year. I enjoy coffee but not the sweet type one but the sour type. I think that's kinda explain some of my personality. - Anthonius Adhyaksa Puntodewo
I'm a 19 years old boy from yogyakarta with a friendly personality, well basically just imagine the friendliest person on earth? got it? now times 1.5, well thats all about me, thankyou! - Gilbert Kusuma Prakoso
I am from Bandung, but live in Yogyakarta. I love to playing game online and get paid because of my pure skills. I've a lot a friend and their number is still growing. Danke ! - Glanlay Gabriel Santoso
I'm an "otaku"and you know what thats mean right? if you don't know its your business and not mine.
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